How to Clean That Dirty Oven of Yours


Your oven could look really dirty if it hasn’t been cleaned for a while. Baked on food, oily drops, and unpleasant odour is all that your oven could represent now. You could use commercial oven cleaning products to get rid of the grime and odour in your oven, but I personally do not recommend them.

Speaking from my past experience,  industrial-strength cleaners are really unpleasant to use. I tried my best: I opened windows and doors; I held my breath when spraying but without success. The cleaner’s fumes and drops always managed to find my eyes, throat and lungs, causing irritation and cough.  

So I’ve found another way to clean my dirty oven. Did you know that a homemade solution can be just as effective as a store-bought oven cleaner? I didn’t back then but now I’m using household cleaning products whenever I can. They turn to be not only effective but also eco-friendly and health friendly. Here are a few tips of mine on how to clean your dirty oven with natural products.

For the cleaning solution, you will need:

  • Liberal quantities of baking soda
  • Water
  • a Cloth
  • a Bowl
  • A Wallpaper scraper

Here are the instructions:

  1. Combine the water and baking soda to form a thin paste.
  2. Apply the a thick layers of the paste to the oven door/walls using the cloth. Make sure the paste is distributed evenly.
  3. Wait for at least 30 minutes before proceeding. During that time the solution will soften and melt those unpleasant brown stains.
  4. Use the wallpaper scraper to remove stains. Once you have done cleaning, rinse the scraper under running water and return it to its place.
  5. Wipe the oven with a damp cloth to remove any residue.

With this methods your oven will be clean and sparkling in no time! Also, you will avoid exposing yourself to the powerful chemicals causing breathing problems. Baking soda doesn’t leave any odour so you can cook right after cleaning, which usually is not possible after the usage of commercial oven cleaners and their specific smell.