How artificial intelligence helps business and what AI tools are offered by SmartSoft

Concepts such as document processing ai are used very often in modern everyday life. They are efficient and help to manage both small and large businesses more easily, and more precisely – to optimize the management of the flow of documents. Artificial intelligence (or AI for short) is a tool that is much needed in digital environments, but also in areas such as accounting, where automation of work processes is a top management priority.

SmartSoft’s team presents intelligent solutions with which each step can be completed in a much shorter time, but also with increased accuracy. Last one is among the strongest motivations to take advantage of such solutions for the business and for private purposes

Can we automate work processes with the help of AI?

Nowadays, when digital progress surrounds us from all sides, finding AI solutions to intelligently manage the flow of documents is a must. Here is more information on the topic:

  • artificial intelligence aims to facilitate the user in his work, in the way he communicates and implements the exchange of information – little by little, AI is being introduced into our lives in various forms, one of which is the automation of work processes in accounting work;
  • from what has been said so far, it is clear that with the help of AI we are able not only to automate the execution of accounting tasks, but it is even mandatory to do so if we want maximum results – in a short time and for less. Last one is a main goal when it comes to managing company finances. Manual document processing requires hiring more people, which equates to high salary costs;
  • this can be avoided if we take advantage of the automated document processing solutions that have been developed thanks to AI – artificial intelligence is a solution that is valued as a must-have tool for any larger company, in which a huge volume of documents is received daily – invoices, forms, contracts, bills of lading, insurance claims and much more;
  • in order to extract and archive the key information from them, OCR is also used – optical character recognition, which is also an AI technology of extremely high importance for business. This development has the potential to detect essential information even if it is contained in a scanned image type document – if this is the case, then OCR transforms the scanned document into PDF format, which is then processed and archived much more easily.

Automation of work processes when it comes to the intelligent processing of company documents is an important step in the development of any business. The good news is that today, similar solutions can be easily accessed and used because there are companies such as SmartSoft which offer exclusive digital tools such as automatic scanning and archiving, intelligent processing of invoices, suppliers, forms and insurance claims, OCR solutions and many others

What are the advantages of technology?

Processing documents with the help of AI is an approach that brings a variety of advantages – speed, quality, lower costs, etc. Let’s not forget the human factor, as it is important to mention the possibility for employees to deal with other tasks besides processing invoices and other documents.

If, for example, there are business cases to resolve, but at the same time the team is engaged in operational tasks, then they will not be able to fulfill the really important points for the company, some of which often turn out to be even critical.

In this train of thoughts, the implementation of AI for the document processing is a must – with its help, the results will be better than before and the time to complete each task will be significantly reduced. Similar differences are in the interest of the company not only from the point of view of the financial factor, but also in relation to the level of effectiveness that every organization wants to raise.

What options are available to users regarding document processing via AI?

SmartSoft is a perfect primer for how every small, medium or large company can introduce innovations in its structure in order to improve its overall performance. The software solutions based on AI that the company offers are very diverse. Technological tools that are presented to the attention of the users are automatic invoice processing and scanning, intelligent document classification, OCR solutions, PDF solutions and other developments which can be crucial for the operation of any business.


For a business to be successful, it is important not only to have a correct development strategy, but also to pay attention to the way documents are processed. That’s why the accounting processes have weak points, this is reflected not only in the company’s name/reputation, but it can lead to financial losses. Fortunately, all this can be easily prevented with the help of AI and by choosing SmartSoft’ software solutions – working and affordable for every business owner!