Jan18 0
Posted by Bred Gardner in Professional Cleaners
The basement is the place where we put everything unnecessary and slowly we overwhelm it with rubbish and garbage. That’s why we have to clean it thoroughly at least two or three times per year. But how?
Cleaning a basement could be quite a challenge so roll up your sleeves and spend several days for cleaning. Cleaners London advise to follow these instructions for better and faster results.
1. Prepare everything that you will need, all the cleaning products and cloths. Put them in a container and you are ready to start.
2. Remove all the visible dust and dirt.
3. Remove everything unnecessary gradually. Get rid of everything that you wanted to from long time. Everything that is in a good condition can be donate to a hospital or charity.
4. Wear gloves and mask while you are scrubbing off the mould. The best tool to remove it is the spatula. It’s a good decision to use a solution of one cup of bleaching powder, a gallon water and one-half laundry detergent. Apply the solution to the surfaces with a sponge. At the end, use a fan to dry them.
5. Clean all the windows, if there are any.
6. Vacuum and then wash the floors.
7. Put the large boxes in the corner and place the smaller ones on them.
Cleaning the basement could be a really messy job, so if you don’t want to deal with it on your own, call cleaning London services and hire the experts to deal with this unpleasant task for you.