How to Store Toys in the Living Room | Domestic Cleaning Tips


If you have a smaller home, necessity may dictate the need to store toys in your living room. In fact, the size of the home may not even matter. Families with large homes may also want to keep toys in the living room to avoid hauling them back to the kid’s room every night. Think about it! What child wants to play alone in his own room when everyone else is lounging about in the living room?

However, treating the living room as a giant playpen isn’t a license to keep it sloppy. You will want to keep it presentable and comfortable not only for your family, but also for your guests. Here are two pieces of advice on how to keep your guests from slipping on a plastic dinosaur or sitting on whoopee-cushion-lined couch.

Two Creative Toy Storage Spaces

Decorative storage space. Consider investing in decorative and functional furniture. There are several types of coffee tables that can double as a storage space for toys. Vintage looking crates, chests, and boxes should also be considered. Heck! You can use a simple wooden crate covered by a table cloth as both an end table and toy box.

Basket and plastics. If you don’t feel like spending money on new furniture, you can also store the toys in simple baskets and plastic containers. They may be a little unsightly, but it is nothing a little creativity can’t fix. Use a piece of cloth to keep them out of sight. If you are feeling up to it, you can even repaint or redecorate them so they can fit into the room’s theme. Whatever you do, just remember to keep a lid on the container to keep the toys concealed.

Surely, there are a many more clever toys storage solutions. Share how you store your kid’s toys in the comments below.