The smallest detail can make the difference! At least, when it comes to interior design. And if you are going for a beautiful, well-looking kitchen, what better place to start with than the kitchen sink and faucet – both central fixtures into any kitchen.
How to Select a Kitchen Sink
When looking for a new kitchen sink, make sure to check the material it is made of. My advice is to go for a rustproof material. Stainless steel is the best and most recommended material. It is rustproof, and easy to clean as well. Still you can choose from quartz, porcelain, solid surfaces, and granite based sinks. Also, more and more people prefer plastic sinks. But you should be careful when going for such type of sinks. Choose only the most quality plastic to guarantee a long lasting kitchen sink.
The size of your kitchen sink is also of importance. Make sure it is neither too big nor too small. You should have space on your sink for your utensil to dry before taking them to wherever your store them. Some kitchen sinks come with drying racks, while others do not. It is up to you which one you’ll choose.
Install your sink in a way allowing to be easily accessible from both top and bottom. Your plumber will need space if your sink gets broken. Also, while it is usual a kitchen sink to be placed next to a window, it is not advisable for sinks made of plastic. Plastic becomes brittle and lose color on long-term exposure to direct sunlight. Keep that in mind when shopping for a kitchen sink.
How to Select a Faucet
Faucets are often neglected when it comes to home improvement, but there is much to gain by picking the right kind of kitchen taps. You surely do not want a leaking tap. A leaking faucet is not only annoying, but it can lead to increased water bill due to water loss. Choose a strong tap that blends well with your kitchen sink. It should be easy to use, and lock properly once it has been turned off.
Look for sinks and faucets that will add to your kitchen decor. Also, make sure they are easy to use, and easy to clean. You don’t want a sink that makes dish-washing a nightmare, or a sink from which removing a stain is a real scrubbing adventure. Check this article here to learn more on how to clean your kitchen sink.
Don’t buy just any kitchen sink or faucet but make sure they are worth the investment.